Your personalized search engine URL

(You need to be logged in to see this)

Mobile Browsers

This method should work on most mobile browsers:

  1. Log in to Shortmarks
  2. Search for a bundle in the search box. (It must be a bundle in order to have the search results page remain on
  3. Go to the browser settings and find the 'Search Engines' section
  4. Shortmarks should be one of the available options below the default set that comes with the browser.

Browser Index

Choose your browser:


Chrome Logo

Google's instructions
  1. Open brave://settings/searchEngines
  2. Scroll to the 'Site Search' section
  3. Click Add
  4. Name: Shortmarks
  5. Shortcut: :sh
  6. URL: (You need to be logged in to see this)


Firefox logo

Mozilla's Instructions.
  1. Right-click on the address bar
  2. Select "+ Add Shortmarks"
  3. Open settings about:preferences#search
  4. Select Shortmarks as your Default Search Engine


Brave Logo

  1. Open brave://settings/searchEngines
  2. Scroll to the 'Site Search' section
  3. Click Add
  4. Name: Shortmarks
  5. Shortcut: :sh
  6. URL: (You need to be logged in to see this)

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge Logo

  1. Go to edge://settings/searchEngines
  2. Click Add
  3. Search engine: Shortmarks
  4. Shortcut:
  5. URL: (You need to be logged in to see this)


Safari logo

Safari does not support custom search engines.